South Africa, Laura’s birth place, is a vibrant, beautiful and colourful country and Laura is all that and more.

One of the BEST humans that you will ever meet. You might hear Laura before you see her and what she lacks in height she makes up in personality. Laura has a booming laugh and a wicked sense of humour.

She is godmother to five kids who live around the world. They all adore their godmother and affectionately call her Lolo.

Laura loves to travel and like Sebastian has traversed the globe many times visiting great friends dotted all over the world. As well traveled as she is, she managed to meet her Swedish love Sebastian on African soil, and also to fall in love with a man who has many qualities like her Dad.

We know that Sebastian and Laura have the best travels ahead of them together.

Laura is completely relaxed in front of a camp fire in the bush veld but in a flash can don a killer pair of heels and rock a formal cocktail party, glass full of bubbles in hand.

Fun and friends always come to mind when we think of Lau but she loves a good book and quiet time with a jigsaw puzzle too.
Laura is kind, easy going, funny, caring, honest and so much fun but don’t try calling her, she probably won’t answer...

/ Michelle Koopmann with help and approval from Lucia Brain, Aileen Logan - bridesmaids

Here links to some of Lauras social media will appear, if she wants


In Sweden there is a term for our somewhat communist influenced way of acting as a collective, the “jante-lag” or the rule of Jante. This philosophy (for a lack of a better word) states that you should not stand out, you should not be better than anybody in the group you are in. You are under no circumstances allowed to be extravagant according to Jante. Then came Sebastian.


Sebastian has always had ambitions beyond what most Swedes from small towns dare to have, and these have led him around the world to exciting adventures and professions. His CV consists of only one word: “Experienced” and his glass is always half full (of good wine). A caring brother, friend and son, he had the patience required for meeting THE ONE. It is of no shock to anybody that Sebastian had to circle the globe several times to find the person who can match his go big or go home personality, and it is also typical of Sebastian to bend the rules a bit. He went big AND found home with Laura.


/Oskar Törnmarck with  approval of Lisa Blom - Best "people"

Hunter (born xxxxx). Hunter is a Burmese cat. 

Being the grand master hunter indicated by his name Hunter has proudly taken down a fair few of the arch-enemies of the family's Moullie Point residence, (Pigeons). All in the family is not as pleased with the carnage in the apartment afterwards, but Hunter says; a kill is a kill, if you want clean and tidy, get a sniper, not a cat. 

As our experiences form us all, Hunter has, what a very unique “animal behaviourist” once described as, a “severely heightened sense of survival” after falling off the 7th floor balcony after a less successful courting session of the neighbours cat. The fall cost the gray ninja a front tooth and a small limp, and unfortunately also made him scared of his own shadow. Happiest on the neighbours roof, overlooking the garden in Hermanus, Hunter can be seen basking in sunshine, and plotting the next bird-hunt.   

Suu kyi (born xxxxx). Suu Kyi is a Burmese cat. 

The matriarch of the family, Suu kyi is an adventurous and will-strong individual. Having travelled far and wide, assisting both in workshops and seamstresses as a kitten, (mostly by extremely judging looks, and pulling on all strings and loose cables.) In addition to always positioning herself in the center of events, especially if any work-men are around the house, Suu Kyi cannot comprehend why counter spaces and tables are not acceptable lounge-places. Her favourite past-time activities include stomping on sleeping humans, building a nest out of the groom's hair (don't he dare move!) and eating any rose-pebble she can get close enough to. 

Suu kyi was not overly impressed with yet another brother, and a dog at that, but with time the hissing and unprovoked swings has subsided to a reluctant acceptance and even the odd snooze on a fat sack together. Maybe there is hope of a friendship after all...

Baltasar (born 20110113). Baltasar is a Danish-Swedish Farmdog, (Please see link for more information) and has been with Sebastian since a puppy on numerous adventures. This dog has undertaken sea kayak safaris, multiple day winter hikes over snowladen monutainranges, more freecamping nights than the wedding party combined, cross-country sailing trips, motorbike-trips, mountain trail-marathons and much, much more with eyes for his papa only.

Now approaching retirement and VERY happy living with the beach so close, he's dicipline is allowed to slightly slip a little  (to Sebastians horror), treats are no longer strictly for intensive training and cohabitating with two more or less reluctant felines, he spends more time resting, knowing he is still the best dog there ever was...